getting noticed

BND article about me!  In my world there only a few ways you can get feedback.

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1. (this is a big 1) The money you make at shows.  IF you sell your things you know you have made something someone can relate to and appreciate.  You can feel the love from customers even if they don’t buy anything at that moment.  Sometimes they buy things later when the time is right for them.  Either way, it is a great way to feel like you are accomplishing something.  

2. Getting into Art shows.  When you apply to a show,  you send the required amount of images of your work, many shows require a jury fee of $20-$45 and the jury rates each image, and the artists with the highest scores get in.  When you get accepted it is a great feeling. When you don’t it is difficult to hear.  Even knowing that jurors decision is subjective it is easy to dwell on the negative aspects of not getting in instead of seeing it as a way to learn.

3. Last but not least….FEEDBACK from you peers!  The interviewer is  a writer, the photographer great at his job and they are both working artists.   They were inquisitive, supportive and could totally relate to what I am doing.  I felt great and I very appreciative of the attention!   

I appreciate any praise. I always tell customers in my booth how much I delight in their feedback.  Customers always have great thoughts and IDEAS!

Thanks to the BND and to ALL my loyal friends and customers!  I appreciate you all!

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